Saturday, August 27, 2011

Portrait painting Marilyn Monroe


Titled: The way you… remember me




Made in 140lb  watercolor paper  about 12” by 18”  The time spent on this painting is worth it, standing proud on the canvas with a realistic look an inviting pose, happy to be able and share it.

please note: camera muted some of the colors, the shot was then taken in a slanted angle.

Wile working on miniatures, other watercolors that need touchups and rework

Here is Young the Giant- My Body


  1. Hello my Dear mary, I am so sorry took me this long to answer, my health being on a spiral lately and also extremely busy with family and the kids, but you are always more than welcome, for a wile I wanted to let you know that the blog post for you and Jamie unfortunately duo to a horrible mistake trying to erase unwanted post.I will love to do it again but the info is lost :( Do you remember some of it? I will love love and appreciate if you have it? to be able to do it again.
