Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Watercolor Portrait by Jamie Berry



Artwork by Artist Jamie Berry Artist Writer and Creative

It is true, the Artist should turn to the Art and talk about it, shouldn’t also give credit to those doing the same? Well lets get to it!,  and today will present one of the most charismatic and Beautiful people met in Twitter @jamieberry   Making twitter much more than that, A base for long lasting connections with an array of Beautiful and Talented Artists.

Let’s talk for a second about Jamie Berry probably reading, smiling and nodding, because he is the must humanitarian and humble people you would ever meet.  He’s quest in he's figures performed in beautiful concentrated colors, in both factions threedimensional and Beauty as you see in the example above.  

Hope you can also meet Jamie, He’s writing, poetry Paintings and Drawings.  ~bringing to you the essence of a painter, which in fact is not an easy deal, just a little glimpse. 

For more information about this and other paintings please visit http://www.jamieberry.com

1 comment:

  1. Es una imagen de amigos y amigas, Maria. Muchas, muchas gracias, soy orgulloso. :)
