Working from Home
The day that it was decided, to work from home, it was the joy of My life!, preparing everything else for the next move was easy, all I had to do is take over the computer, which was at 2 steps away from me, having total access to the kitchen, Coffee ready at 7:00am, Home based business is Ideal, heard so many great things about it! not to mention, painting right in my living room, it is not like is strange at all.
The reality, If for you, sound like dreams come true, that is how it sounds for everyone else! including your family and friends. My office is right in the living room, Family will see you there 24/7 available and will expect you to be there!. Now, they learned ever since, there’s an imaginary door!
This topic sound familiar, to understand what goes on behind close doors in a home based business, wile also managing family and other responsibilities. Because working from home sometimes sounds, so easy!. There is an increase, in this economy, many choosing to do a home based business, and not necessarily are, Artists.
The transition wasn’t easy, Having three children with different school schedules, specially with my 4 year old that at that time, was at home until 12:00 pm. For children is not easy to understand mommy is working, seeing other friends moms, with, uniforms or briefcases?.. Wile Mom, on the other hand, Says Hey I’m working, with a brush on her hand! that is the reality of it, and it must be told.
The first thing I did, was talked to my husband about it, knew that in order for this to work, we must be at the same page. Although it took some time to understand, on days off when he said, Lets go watch this movie! I did not move.
Working from home can take a lot out of in any relationship, and you must work out a system for it to work, More experienced, understand that to work around being flexible, and definitely takes both to comply. Work a schedule around and make sure to be balanced, setting more realistic goals as well. This will come in time, After my husband, We both sat down and explained to the children what was going on, They all looked at me, like of course your painting, that’s fun work!
Credibility is a must, and this goes for everything else, even experienced business people give them selves, two years to prove if a business is going to work or not, and telling people, Hey I paint and I am home!,does not sound credible at all, it sounds like is all about, having something to do, or being bored and staying at home. Specially, when they have to go out to get their means. Now must get serious about it, get more involved than that, It was rather difficult for me, since having other things in mind, and definitely, for a second not having to see the benefits of staying at home and work. Also an artist, already being home painting.
Sometimes Artists we don’t see what we do, Our crafts as a supplemental or serious mean of income, and this happened to me and yes, it was a struggle. How to get paid? for what is consider a natural way, like breathing.
Now, when referring to what I am doing, it sounds more like, Yes I am working from home, using the computer as a business, there, I am also networking, online customer service, and here is my shipping, that is where you see all those envelopes and boxes from my inventory, Because that is what your are really doing. After it…I’ve convinced my self, I’ve told everyone else, The school teachers, The bus lady, the neighbors dog, My mother!!, All My friends and still do.
This is where a schedule is a must, My schedule is my friend and it will be for ever!, if there’s appointments or other things to do specially with the children, Must learn to put work around it, take your time to do it.
Treat your home office like what it is, You don’t just take off and leave everything in there, and go and do other things that to you seem more important, Just like you won’t do that in a Job. You stay there, and finish your work. Your place is kept clean and organized. I don’t have a very shinny all great place, I work in a small corner, where you see panels that are cut to size for my watercolors laid in vertical, around the walls, My easel is there too, and paintings are covered from dust and children. When I am not working, The paintings are hanged in different stages of work and progress, and when not, I make sure they go in to a secure place and displayed properly. It is important to give respect to your work, as well. I get up early, to do my work and yes I am dressed, clean, hair is combed, make sure to be representable, It is good for you, healthy habits and creates good self esteem. Makeup is not necessary but, When out the door, to do my shipping or anything else, make sure to look your best, because, You are representing self. Make sure everything is organized and clean up after work, of course, sometimes working with paper, or small size paintings there’s always going to be some type of mess, specially shipping, and having little one’s around, but make sure, You make time and pick up.
Work schedule and organizing
You should create an good schedule that works with and for you, mine is 9:00 am to exactly 5:00 pm taking two breaks, and you will actually see me, exactly around 3:00 pm online, because that is when I take a break, from everything else. To be specific, wile on the computer, the laundry is being done, so is the house chores, cleaning, everything. You must do your part, in order to work. After that, I make sure lunch is prepared and then dinner. I work fast, in doing all this things, but they are done well, The day goes fast, and sometimes it goes by hours, but not mechanical, and not necessarily in an order either, so every day there is room for flexibility.
What happens when things don’t go as planned?
During the weekdays.There is however days, that work does occupies must of my time, or when a family member gets sick or my self or work inevitably takes after hours, perhaps things just went wrong, I make sure, to get ready frozen, healthy, foods, and If for any reason I must stop, then, I take a breather and do so. Sometimes wile out to do food shopping or errands the phone comes in handy, which is used to work as well. My early walks/runs. When meeting or with friends, I make sure the phone is kept on vibrate, and stepped outside to deal with business, never in front of a friend, or in a personal meeting, or wile having a conversation with some one, Your priority and good customer service as well, is the person in front of you, not in the phone, never brag about business, or talk about your customers. Don’t take over, those breaks or abuse of them. Because after exactly 5:00pm Job should be done, and If taken more time for other things, this will jeopardize schedule. That is where balance comes in handy.
Also because is Homework time, I give the children 1-2 hour to get them selves ready and rested. Later on during the night when everything is settle… and dinner has being done,… whom I’m I kidding? people with large families, know that is not true!.But we must do our best! I go a head and prepare everything else, including, dinner,for the next day.
The truth is that working from home, could be as exhausting and stressful sometimes, and might require more of your time if not careful. But still it does gets high pays offs! Like the fact that wile posting in this blog, on the other hand I am earning, completely certain that, I live a better much happier life because of my rewards which comes in as productivity, I make sure to be there for my family, no exceptions! I don’t deal with co workers. My co worker is my dog, Cassey and she does not complaints, she’s a sweetheart, and is happy with a can of Alpo. My business meetings are with her in the backyard, wile she chases the squirrels, this gives more time, to relax, as a reward and pay off then comes… more productivity! I get more time to smile and have a healthy attitude about Art. I’ve saved more money, with not having to commute in the mornings and not paying a babysitter, leaving me with a low key lifestyle, simple. yes, I do live, however a modest life, but HAPPY!
Working hours. Sometimes, is hard to explain that working hours are just working hours, specially with brush in one hand. And sometimes theirs no possible long chats over the phone, and their can’t be no interruptions, or long time for TV, specially when painting, and during the weekends, I am actually working harder. Fridays are for inventory, making sure All shipping are done, and getting everything else ready for the next week. This is when all the children are home.
After all, all this by no means would be possible if I didn’t had the help of my family, that includes my children, who tell everyone, My mother is working can you keep it down, or come back in another time, and gladly accept not to interrupt me, during work time and My husband who accepts our home to look like a storage, and has being tolerant enough, when visitors asked about our strange not so Feng Shue home.
I’ve also would like to thank my angel investors, whom have being there for me, and those whom with their words, are constantly reminding me, I am human, and encouraging me to continue. I am able to do this because of them!. I’ve truly invite you, to learn more about us Artist. Now, no matter what type of work you do. I am happy to let you know, that also in order to succeed, you Must Love what you do.
Because working from home inevitable will require for you to be there for people regardless, When you Love what you do, and asked for a favor, You will be able to say Sure,
I GOT THIS!!… quote: George Lopes.